Anne-France Morand
Anne-France Morand

Anne-France Morand teaches as a full professor of Greek language and literature at Université Laval, in Quebec City. (
She studied classical philology in Geneva, Oxford and Rome. She has taught Greek in Geneva, at the University of Victoria (BC) and Lille 3. She was a visiting scholar at the Swiss school in Rome, at the British school in Rome and Wolson College (Oxford).
She is preparing an edition, translation and commentary of the Orphic Hymns (with Hervé Genoud for the translation). Her research interests also include Greek medicine, particularly Galen, Imperial literature and ancient documents (papyri and manuscripts).
Recent articles:
“Galien et la paideia”, in A.-M. Favreau, S. Lalanne and J.-L. Vix (ed.), Passeurs de culture. Études sur la transmission de la culture grecque dans le monde romain des Ier - IV siècles après J.-C., Turnhout, 2022, pp. 337-345.
“Les mystères dans les Hymnes orphiques : continuité ou rupture?”, in N. Belayche, Ph. Hoffmann and F. Massa (ed.), Les mystères au IIe s. de notre ère : Un tournant, Turnhout, 2021, pp. 299-315.
She is currently finishing a book on Pseudepigraphy