Giulio Ragazzon
Giulio Ragazzon

Giulio Ragazzon is a junior group leader at the Institut de Science et d’Ingeniérie Supramoléculaires (ISIS) in Strasbourg, France. He studied chemistry at the University of Trieste, with a thesis on photoactive metal complexes. After moving to the University of Bologna for the Master's degree, he obtained his PhD in 2017 from the same institution, working on light-driven molecular machines. During his postdoc, he worked on non-equilibrium self-assembly at the University of Padova, showing how the principles underlying molecular machines can be exploited to realize thermodynamically unfavored self-assembly processes. He then joined the University of Trieste as an assistant professor, before starting his independent career at ISIS in 2021. His group investigates non-equilibrium processes occurring at the molecular scale. As a result of his contributions, he received prestigious awards and grants: in 2016, he received the European Young Chemist Award, the most important European recognition at the PhD level, and in 2021 he has been a finalist of the Dream Chemistry Award, a worldwide competition rewarding young chemists who dream of solving fundamental problems with bold ideas. In 2021, he received the ERC Starting grant.